Upper School

Governor Stirling Senior High School

Upper School – Year 11 and 12

Adult Ethos – Governor Stirling Senior High School has been developing a Young Adult Ethos, especially with our Year 11’s and 12’s.  This is characterised by a school environment where Year 11 and 12 students can demonstrate independence, responsibility and respect.


An Adult Ethos is each individual taking responsibility and making a positive contribution: embracing independence, demonstrating respect, tolerance, passion, honesty and the pursuit of excellence.


Within the framework of an adult ethos, all stakeholders are expected to:

Build Relationships

  • that contribute to a positive and dynamic learning environment for myself and others;
  • that encourage teamwork and cooperative learning;
  • that encourage understanding and acceptance of others;
  • that promote mutual respect and trust.


  • by finding relevance to my world;
  • by setting meaningful goals;
  • by seeking assistance and support to improve my performance;
  • by creating my own success.


Being a productive and valued citizen

  • who makes a positive contribution to the world in which I live;
  • who engages in self improvement.


In Senior School the focus moves towards creating futures beyond secondary schooling. Senior School staff foster and promote a learning environment that values and responds to the needs of older adolescents.


All parents and students in Senior School receive quality information to make the important career determining course selections for Year 11 and 12. A range of information nights on selecting Year 11 and 12 subjects, University and TAFE entrance , and careers are held every year. Individual parent student interviews are also made available at any time.


At Governor Stirling we have developed the structures and support in Senior School to guide your child into their chosen career. Information about University entrance.


Year 11 Course Descriptions:

Finding Your Way…