Our well-equipped school cafe operates for the benefit of students and staff. The cafe is organised by a Manager under the direction of the P & C Association Cafe Committee. Varied food items, drinks and ice creams are available at prices consistent with making a small profit used for the purchase of amenities to benefit all students. As it is the major fund-raising done by the school, your support in its operation is essential so that school amenities can be purchased. Parents volunteer to help in the cafe. People who volunteer are rostered for one day a fortnight, or at a time to suit (please see below).
The cafe is open for the purchase of food before school, at recess and lunch.
One or two mornings a month is all we ask. Morning tea and lunch provided. The company is friendly and we share a few laughs. The job entails starting about 10.00am and finishing at 2.00pm. You will be helping to prepare food. You DO NOT have to handle money at all.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Café Manager – Melanie Brittain on 6274 0326 during school hours.
Melanie Brittain
Café Manager